#4: How to Use Split Screen Effectively

Unleash the power of the Split Screen!

Optimize the split screen options to fit your needs with these simple steps

Step 1

Control Center

  1. To access Split Screen Mode, Pull down from the top right corner of the screen to view the control center.
  2. If you do not see the Split Screen Icon, you may have to add it to the menu with the edit button.

Step 2

The Setup

Once you click on the Split Screen Icon, the setup menu will appear.

  1. I prefer the Horizontal Mode as it is more comfortable for writing but try both to see what you like
  2. Use the Orientation options to choose which side of the Tablet to read from.

Step 3

Split Screen Options

  • When you engage split screen from the notes app, you will have a choice of recent PDFs or compatible apps. This will make it difficult to find a specific PDF as it is not in folder structure.
  1. I suggest opening the book/file first then browsing to the notebook you want to use.
    • The notebooks are in a folder structure so it makes an easy to find the right notebook
    • Check out my last blog post to download a free Notebook cover to make it even easier when browsing.  >>Blog#3<<
  2. you can also choose from a list of compatible apps instead
    • For example: Evernote, Onenote, Googledrive, Notion
  3. If you open an app first, you will also have a Recent PDFS tab available.
    1. In the picture, I had a book on my Kindle app open before I went into split screen mode.

Step 4

The Exit

  1. To exit, simply click on split screen app from the Control Center to bring up the menu options to exit the mode.
  2. If you are a lefty like me, you will have the option to swap sides.
    1. the notes annoyingly always open on the right in horizontal mode.



Alternative Method

Neoreader Mode

  1. If you are reading a PDF/file with neoreader, you can open a specialized version of split screen directly from the neoreader menu
    • simply tap the screen to bring up the menu(like you would to access Table of Contents) and select ‘Split View”

         2. You will have for options to choose from

    • Current Doc Only – displays two versions of the file
    • Current Doc & Another Doc – pretty self explanatory 🙂
    • Doc & Notepad – This one is interesting because it automatically brings up a notebook that will be permanantly linked to this file.
      • so if you come back to this book/file and choose this option, the same notebook will always open.
      • this is very useful for note-taking and summarizing
      • a PDF of the notes are auto-saved to the Storage/note folder on your tablet in a specific folder with the same name as the original PDF
    • Doc & Translate – very helpful when you need a quick translation or are learning a new language. it uses google translate and has great results